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Amazon SEO: How to Rank Higher on Amazon in 2024

Gone are the days when you could just slap any product on Amazon and watch the cash roll in. Now, with a super competitive market, Amazon's smart algorithms are all about connecting the right products to the right buyers. Your product needs to stand out. If you're not nailing your Amazon SEO, you risk dropping in search ranks and missing out on sales.

Ready to up your game? We're diving into the nitty-gritty of Amazon SEO. We'll show you how to tweak your listing to climb up those rankings and start seeing results now.

Posted by Panda Boom Amazon FBA Expert

What is Amazon SEO and why is it important?

  • SEO is all about boosting your website’s visibility and traffic by making it more noticeable to search engine users.
  • Now, you might think, “Amazon is a shopping site, not a search engine, so why bother with SEO?” Well, it turns out it’s super important. Here’s the deal: a lot of folks, like 56% of U.S. shoppers, kick off their product hunt on Amazon, as per Jungle Scout’s Consumer Trends Report.
  • While Google and Amazon both use search algorithms, Amazon’s A9 is all about shopping. It’s designed to show you the products you’re most likely to buy, not just random info like Google might. This shopper-focused approach is why most people start their product searches right on Amazon.

So, get a handle on Amazon SEO, and watch your products climb the ranks and snag more sales!

Understanding Amazon’s A-9 algorithm is key for sellers…

Understanding Amazon’s A-9 algorithm is key for sellers. It’s about matching what you offer with what the algorithm looks for, like keywords and customer satisfaction. Get this right, and you’ll see your products climb the ranks. It’s a clear path to getting noticed and making sales on Amazon.

Posted by: Jacob Carter, 7-figure seller

A9: The Heart of Amazon SEO

Amazon’s search magic is all thanks to A9, a genius algorithm from its own subsidiary. It’s like a matchmaker, pairing customer searches with the perfect products from Amazon’s massive selection.

Why’s A9 a big deal? Simple: it’s all about making the cash register ring. It zeroes in on the products people are most likely to buy based on their search, boosting Amazon’s sales and profits.

Amazon spilled some beans about A9 in their guide on making your products easy to find:

“Things like how well your text matches the search, your pricing, stock, variety, and how well your product’s been selling all play a part in where you land in search results. Nail your product info, make it super relevant, and you could see your product climb the ranks and your sales soar.”

What drives a product's rank on Amazon?

Amazon doesn’t dish out the specifics of its A9 Search Algorithm, but we’ve figured out a couple of major factors that influence how your product stacks up. Imagine your Amazon product listing as your way of introducing your product to Amazon. You’re basically saying, “Check out my product, here’s what it’s all about.”

Then, when shoppers click and buy your product, they’re essentially confirming to Amazon, “Yep, this is the item I wanted, and it’s just as described.”

Picture Amazon’s A9 search engine as a super smart buddy who’s a bit unsure of themselves. They don’t fully trust their own smarts until loads of people reassure them they’re on the right track.

That, in essence, is the game of Amazon SEO and its clever but cautious A9 algorithm.

Keyword Relevancy

If Amazon’s A9 search engine can’t figure out what your product is, how’s it supposed to sell it? So, how does Amazon get the scoop on your product? It’s pretty straightforward: it’s all about using the right keywords.

Setting up your Amazon FBA product listing?

Amazon’s gonna ask for a bunch of details, like:

  • Your product’s name
  • Some snazzy photos of it
  • Bullet points for a speedy rundown
  • A more detailed description
  • Keywords and categories for the back-end
  • Amazon’s algorithm uses all this stuff to figure out what your product’s all about

Crafting the perfect product listing on Amazon is like unlocking a secret code to success…

Crafting the perfect product listing on Amazon is like unlocking a secret code to success. It’s not just about making your product look good; it’s about speaking Amazon’s language. A well-optimized listing boosts your visibility in search results, drawing customers in. It’s a direct line to higher sales. In my experience, investing time in your listing isn’t just useful; it’s essential. It really makes all the difference in navigating Amazon’s competitive landscape!

Posted by: David Perkins, Amazon FBA expert

Sales Velocity Explained

Think of Amazon like any business – the more cash your product pulls in, the better it ranks. Simple, right?

Sales velocity is about how much dough your product is making over time.

Picture it as a combo of how many folks check out your product page (page impressions), how much your product costs, how often people actually buy it (conversion rate), all crunched into the number of days in your sales cycle.

Let’s break it down with an example:

  • Say your product page gets eyeballed 2,000 times in a month (those are your page impressions).
  • Your product costs 10 bucks.
  • About 15% of the people who visit your page end up buying (that’s your conversion rate).
  • And all this happens over a 30-day sales cycle.

(2000 x $10) 0.15 / 30 = $100

So, basically, you’re making $100 a day in sales (That’s your sales velocity).

Conversion Rate Breakdown

Your conversion rate is like your batting average for sales. It tells you what chunk of your product page visits turn into actual purchases.

Here’s how you figure it out:

*Conversion rate = Total orders / Total visits (sessions)

Want to peek at your product’s conversion rate?

Just head to Seller Central, click on Reports → Business Reports → Detail Page Sales and Traffic.

Then, check out the Unit Session Percentages. That’s where the magic number lives.

The top three tricks to boosting your conversion rate are:

  • Nailing it with awesome product pics
  • Pricing your stuff just right
  • Racking up solid reviews (think quantity, quality, and star power)

As you tweak bits of your listings, keep an eye on the numbers to see the impact. Like, switching up your main product photo might bump up clicks and visits. Or, playing around with your main keyword could drop visits but, if it’s more on-point, you might actually sell more.

Remember, your conversion rate’s always on the move.

It shifts with traffic trends, how shoppers act, and just the general market vibe. Stay sharp, keep an eye on those shifts, and be ready to mix things up. That means always testing stuff out – your keywords, photos, pricing, and more.

Taking shortcuts in creating your Amazon listing is a no-go…

Taking shortcuts in creating your Amazon listing is a no-go. Every section counts. It’s about giving Amazon’s algorithm the full picture of your product, ensuring it’s ranked and searched for accurately. From my experience, attention to detail in your listing is a game-changer. It’s not just about listing; it’s about connecting the dots for the algorithm to showcase your product effectively.

Posted by: Hanna Lincoln, Amazon FBA consultant

Amazon SEO: Crafting the Perfect Product Listing

  • Alright, we’ve talked about how being super relevant is key to rocking Amazon SEO, and every part of your product listing chips in to make that happen.
  • Getting the Lowdown on Amazon Listing Structure Before we dive into the bits and pieces of your Amazon listing, it’s crucial to get the big picture of how a listing is put together. The folks who design Amazon’s layout aren’t just throwing things around randomly.
  • They’ve placed each part of the listing where it is for a reason, tapping into how most of us cruise through websites (hint: it’s kinda like an F-shaped pattern, scanning across and then down).
  • First up, when users hit Amazon, their eyes start top-left, catching the product photos first thing.
  • Then, they spot the product title, with the price tagging along right at the top. And over to the right, but still in the same eyeline, there’s the Buy Box.
  • If the pic, title, and price don’t clinch the deal right off, users start scrolling. They’ll make another sweep across the page, checking out delivery options, different versions of the item, and those key bullet points.
  • After that, it’s all about scrolling down. Once users go past the initial screen view (that’s ‘the fold’), they get the full show: competing products, deals, a deep-dive into the product details, Q&As, and of course, reviews.

That’s where they get everything they need to hit that buy button.

Essential Elements of Your Amazon Product Listing

Knowing how folks scan a page, we can rank the parts of your Amazon listing by how grabby they are.

The elements you see right when you land on a product page, without having to scroll, are super crucial.


Here’s what catches the eye first:

Product Images

Amazon’s all about visuals. Your product pics pop up first in search results, showing shoppers they’re in the right place.

Product Title

After the images, the title comes into play. It’s a treasure trove of info, reassuring shoppers they’ve found what they were looking for.

   Amazon Badges

These little symbols are gold. ‘Best Seller’ or ‘Amazon’s Choice’ mean you’re leading the pack. The ‘Prime’ badge signals fast shipping, and ‘In Stock’ (if it shows) tells buyers they can snag it now.

   Product Rating

Right under the title, you’ll see how others rated the product, from one to five stars.

   The Buy Box

This is where the action happens. The Buy Box is your express lane to making a sale, letting buyers purchase straight from the top seller.


Got different versions of your product? They’ll show up here, just under the title and price.

Bullet Points

This is where you cram in all the extra juicy details that didn’t fit in the title or images. It’s less about proving you’re relevant, more about giving shoppers the lowdown so they can make a smart buy.

Now, about the stuff you see only if you scroll down the page:

“Customers also bought…”:

Amazon’s not about to let a sale slip away.
If you cruise past the top without hitting ‘buy’, Amazon’s ready with a bunch of other products you might like.

“Sponsored products related to this item…”:

Just like the section above, these sponsored picks are all about sealing the deal.

Deals and Promos:

Didn’t bite on the first offer? Further down, you might find some sweet deals or promotions.
Amazon often tosses in their credit line offer or a $125 gift card deal as an extra nudge.

The Big Description:

This is your final pitch. If the photos, title, and all that jazz didn’t clinch it, your detailed description is there to make one last play to win the shopper over.


Last but definitely not least, the reviews roll in.
They’re the make-or-break – either flipping a maybe into a yes or giving those on-the-fence shoppers the push they need.

Boosting Amazon SEO: What to Do (and Not Do)

Armed with the basics of Amazon SEO and how users interact, you’re ready to tweak your listing to hit that sweet spot of relevance and ramp up those sales.


Gather stellar ratings and reviews – Product ratings are a deal-maker or breaker. Even if your product’s super relevant, a low rating (three stars or less) can tank sales. To dodge that bullet, remember two things: a) deliver exactly what you promise in your listing, and b) reach out to Amazon customers to tackle any problems head-on.

Price your products smartly – Price matters, no doubt about it, when folks are thinking about hitting that buy button on Amazon. You don’t want to practically give your product away, but sky-high prices can send shoppers running. Keep an eye on your competitors, and don’t be shy about testing different prices to find that sweet spot that works for you and your buyers.

Go for Prime if you can – We crave speedy deliveries. Amazon’s 200 million Prime members prove it. Prime-badge products sell better for their quick shipping. If you’re an FBA seller, you’re in. Others can join Seller Fulfilled Prime.

Aim to own the Buy Box – Even if you’re the sole seller, the Buy Box can slip away. Losing it might send shoppers elsewhere. Stick to Amazon’s rules to secure your Buy Box. If it’s lost, you can fight to get it back.

Provide product variants – Losing a sale due to a color mismatch? Variants prevent that. If your product allows for variations, not offering them may send buyers to rivals. List variants on the same product page for best results.

Always have items ready to ship – Debates aside, running out of stock means zero sales. While you wait for new inventory, competitors gain an edge with Amazon. Our advice: stay stocked up!

Highlight the perks in bullet points – Don’t cram keywords into your bullet points. Use them to boost conversions. Share info not covered by images and titles. Answer: How does my product solve the customer’s problem?

Keep an eye on what competitors are doing – Study your winning competitors. Dive into their listings. What makes their product and listing stand out? Compare their sales to yours. What’s making their product perform better?

Roll out enticing promos – Picture this: a shopper scrolls past the initial view of your listing, not yet sold. Sponsored products and ‘Customers who bought this item’ don’t catch their eye. That’s where a 10% discount can swoop in and change their mind. And you can even offer promotions quietly.

Use the detailed description to seal the deal – Here’s your moment to shine and highlight all the perks and advantages of your product. Your product description should convince customers why yours is the best choice. If you’re a brand-registered seller, this is where A+ content comes into play.
Having a registered brand on Amazon unlocks A+ content. It not only gives your page a polished, pro appearance but can also boost your conversions.

Regularly check and respond to reviews – This might be one of the toughest challenges for Amazon sellers. A single negative review can sink your entire listing.
But here’s the silver lining: you can still garner positive product reviews. Stick to the basics—deliver a fantastic product, provide stellar customer service, and leverage Panda Boom’s Review Blast 2.0 service.

More Tips for Supercharging Your Amazon SEO
and Rankings

Once your listing is finely tuned, it’s time to crank up those sales numbers—nothing boosts your ranking like solid sales.

Here are 2 top strategies to boost sales:

Amazon PPC Ads

Paid ads are a potent source of traffic and extra sales to enhance your product ranking. While Facebook or Google Adwords can work, Amazon PPC is the easiest way to boost keyword-driven sales.
Begin by setting up manual PPC campaigns with your target keywords. Then, increase your bids (while staying within your budget) to boost exposure and sessions.

Harness Social Media Influencers:

Social media wields immense power for brand growth and product interest. Many modern sellers leverage TikTok and influencer marketing to promote their products in a way that doesn’t feel like a typical ad.

  Don’t do:

How to Monitor Your Amazon Ranking Effectively

What’s the point of optimizing your listing, working on Amazon SEO, and boosting your rank if you can’t keep tabs on the results?

You can track your product’s indexing and ranking for keywords in two ways: manual and automatic.

Manual: First, ensure your product is indexed for keywords by entering this formula directly into the Amazon search bar: (ASIN) + “(keyword)”
Insert your product’s ASIN and the keyword you want to check into the brackets.
If your product appears, it’s indexed for that term.
To track your ranking manually, you’ll need to scroll through pages to find it. Doing this daily can become tedious.

Automatic: Since manual tracking is time-consuming, it’s wise to use a tool that lets you monitor your Amazon product listings automatically. You can check tools like Helium 10 and Jungle Scout.


In the wild world of Amazon, nailing Amazon SEO is like finding the treasure map. It’s how you get noticed, win over shoppers, and make sales.

By fine-tuning your listings and playing by Amazon’s rules, you can rock the e-commerce game. So, don’t forget, in Amazon land, SEO is your secret weapon for winning big.

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