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How to Get Initial Reviews on Amazon

Posted by Panda Boom

Reviews are one of the most important factors that influence the success of your Amazon business. Reviews can affect your ranking, conversion, sales, and reputation. However, getting reviews on Amazon is not easy, especially when you are launching a new product. Amazon has strict rules and policies regarding reviews, and you need to follow them to avoid any penalties or suspensions.


Why Are Reviews Important for Your Amazon Business?


Reviews are essential for your Amazon business, because they can provide you with several benefits, such as:


Improving your ranking

Reviews can help you rank higher on Amazon’s search results, as they are one of the factors that Amazon’s algorithm considers when determining the relevance and quality of your product. The more reviews you have, the more likely you are to appear on the first page of search results, and attract more organic traffic.


Increasing your conversion

Reviews can help you increase your conversion rate, as they are one of the factors that customers consider when making a purchase decision. The more reviews you have, the more trust and credibility you can build with your potential customers, and persuade them to buy your product. Reviews can also provide valuable feedback and information about your product, such as its features, benefits, and drawbacks, and help customers overcome any doubts or objections they may have.


Boosting your sales

Reviews can help you boost your sales, as they are one of the factors that can trigger the Amazon flywheel effect. The more reviews you have, the more ranking, traffic, and conversion you can get, and the more sales you can generate. The more sales you generate, the more reviews you can get, and the cycle continues. Reviews can also help you increase your repeat and referral sales, as satisfied customers are more likely to buy from you again, and recommend your product to others.


Enhancing your reputation

Reviews can help you enhance your reputation, as they are one of the factors that can influence your brand image and customer loyalty. The more reviews you have, the more authority and recognition you can establish in your niche, and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Reviews can also help you improve your customer service and satisfaction, as you can use them to identify and address any issues or problems that your customers may have, and show them that you care about their feedback and experience.


How to Get Initial Reviews on Amazon?

Getting initial reviews on Amazon can be challenging, but not impossible. There are several ways to get initial reviews on Amazon, but you need to be careful and ethical, and follow Amazon’s rules and policies. Here are some of the methods that you can use to get initial reviews on Amazon:


Request reviews from your customers

One of the simplest and most effective ways to get initial reviews on Amazon is to ask your customers to leave a review after they purchase your product. You can do this by sending them a follow-up email, using Amazon’s Request a Review button, or inserting a product insert card in your packaging. You should be polite and friendly, and explain the importance and value of reviews for your business and other customers. You should also make it easy and convenient for them to leave a review, by providing them with a direct link or a QR code. However, you should not offer any incentives, discounts, or rewards for leaving a review, as this is against Amazon’s policies and can get you banned.


Use Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program

Another way to get initial reviews on Amazon is to use Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program, which is a service that Amazon offers to help new products get their first reviews. The program works by incentivizing customers who have already purchased your product to leave a review, by offering them a small reward, such as a $1-$3 gift card. The program costs $60 per product, and you can enroll up to 5 products at a time. The program runs until you get 5 reviews, or for one year, whichever comes first. The program is only available for products that have less than 5 reviews, and that are priced at $15 or more. The reviews that you get from the program are honest and unbiased, and they are marked with an orange badge that says “Early Reviewer Rewards”.


Use Amazon’s Vine Program

Another way to get initial reviews on Amazon is to use Amazon’s Vine Program, which is a service that Amazon offers to help new products get reviews from trusted and experienced reviewers. The program works by inviting selected Amazon customers, known as Vine Voices, to receive free products in exchange for their honest and unbiased reviews. The program costs $2,500 per product, and you can enroll up to 100 products at a time. The program runs until you get 30 reviews, or for one year, whichever comes first. The program is only available for products that are enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, and that have less than 30 reviews. The reviews that you get from the program are honest and unbiased, and they are marked with a green badge that says “Vine Customer Review of Free Product”.


Use external sources

You can also use external sources, such as review platforms, influencer marketing, or product testing groups, to get honest and unbiased reviews from your target audience. These sources can help you reach more potential customers, and generate more social proof and word-of-mouth for your product. However, you should be careful and ethical, and follow Amazon’s rules and policies, as well as the guidelines of the external sources. You should also disclose that you are the seller of the product, and that you are not affiliated with Amazon, in any way.


How Reviews Can Boost Your Amazon Business


Reviews are not only important for getting initial sales, but also for growing your Amazon business. Here are some of the ways you can use reviews to your advantage:

Optimize your listing

Use the keywords, phrases, and information from your reviews to make your title, bullet points, description, and A+ content more relevant and attractive.

Improve your product

Use the feedback and complaints from your reviews to fix any issues or problems with your product, and enhance its quality, performance, and value.

Launch new products

Use the needs, wants, and preferences from your reviews to create new products that satisfy your customers. Use your existing customers to test and validate your new products.

Increase your social proof

Use your positive reviews, ratings, and testimonials to showcase your brand and product on various platforms. Use your satisfied customers to generate word-of-mouth and referrals.


Take Your Amazon Business to the Next Level with Panda Boom


Panda Boom is a leading Amazon account management service that can help you with all aspects of your Amazon business, including getting initial reviews on Amazon. Panda Boom can help you with:

  • Requesting reviews from your customers
  • Using Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program and Vine Program
  • Using external sources to get reviews
  • And more

Panda Boom has a team of experts and professionals, who have the knowledge, experience, and tools, to help you get initial reviews on Amazon, and use them to boost your product launch and growth. Panda Boom also has a network of partners and resources, who can help you with other aspects of your Amazon business, such as product photography, video production, graphic design, copywriting, and more.

Panda Boom has helped thousands of sellers get initial reviews on Amazon, and they can help you too. Whether you are a new or established seller, a brand owner or a reseller, a small or large business, Panda Boom can help you take your Amazon business to the next level. Panda Boom is the boom that your Amazon business needs. 

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