Discover the ins and outs of Panda Boom’s services for Amazon sellers through our comprehensive FAQ section.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Are results guaranteed?

A. We believe in systematic and safe promotion that doesn’t violate Amazon’s TOS. Our methods are organic and naturally do not produce immediate results. It’s important to remember that any attempt to manipulate the system can jeopardize the seller’s account.
In Amazon, as in any business, consistency and building a proper business and
marketing infrastructure are crucial. This is where we come in, with a range of proven and effective promotional tools tested by thousands of clients.
These tools are developed by FBA experts with over 7 years of experience.

Q. Can you share some case studies, so I can know what to expect?

A. Sure! Please check the “Case Studies” tab on the website menu.

Q. How does the “AMZ Sales Booster” checkout process work?

A. The checkout process includes 3 steps:

1) Payment for the service fee.
2) Fill out an online form with your product details.
3) In the last step, you will be asked to pay  for the cost of the units (according to the retail price of the product)

*Once checkout is complete, we will begin processing your order. Your service will be launched immediately afterward.

Q. Would the service help grow my organic sales?

A. Definitely! Our team consists of FBA experts with many years of cumulative experience, some of whom are senior Amazon sellers.  We always focus on the bottom line – increasing your organic sales in order to create a strong infrastructure for your business growth.

Q. Is the service TOS compliant?

A. Yes, the service is 100% TOS compliant

Q. What does “AMZ Sales Booster" include?

A. 1) Promotion Campaign for Bloggers: We collaborate with bloggers to organically promote your product, enhancing visibility and reach.

2) Proper Product Indexing: Ensuring your product is correctly indexed in the Amazon search engine so it reaches the right audience.

3) Reviews / Global Ratings: Customers are not paid to leave reviews, and we do not manipulate rankings. Feedback, including Verified Reviews, Global Ratings, or Seller Feedback, is provided voluntarily by customers. This organic approach helps launch new products or re- launch existing ones effectively.

4) Process Safety and Adherence to Organics: With 7 years of experience es. and collaboration with thousands of FBA sellers, we prioritize the safety and reliability of our services. We maintain an entirely organic process throughout all promotional stages, ensuring compliance with Amazon’s TOS and no compromises in our methods.

Q. Can I get a FREE consultation?

A. Sure! Please email us at

Q. What is the price for your services, and how is payment made?

A. Our pricing is based on packages, and each service offers several packages with different features at affordable prices. This means that whether you are a beginner seller with a limited budget or a successful seller with a more flexible budget, you can find the service that suits your business’s current stage.

Q. Is the payment recurring monthly or a one-time fee?

A. The payment is a one-time fee and does not automatically renew, so there are no surprises :). If you wish to launch another campaign after your package has ended, you will need to purchase an additional package.

Q. Who is the AMZ Sales Booster service suitable for?

A. This service is suitable for FBA and FBM sellers at any stage, whether beginners or advanced. It is excellent for anyone who needs an aggressive boost to their sales. So, whether you are launching a new product, were out of stock for an extended period and want to regain sales momentum, or simply interested in a quick improvement in your product’s performance, AMZ Sales Booster has got you covered.

Q. Are your promotion methods up to date?

A. Certainly, we continuously improve and optimize our promotion methods on a daily basis. We monitor changes on Amazon regularly and ensure that the actions we take are first and foremost safe and risk-free while also being effective and beneficial for your product. This is what happens when our team is made up of Amazon fanatics 🙂

Q. Who are your clients?

A. Our client base consists of FBA and FBM sellers, some of whom own leading brands on Amazon and others who are new to Amazon. The nature of our service and our team of experts are such that we can tailor ourselves like a glove to fit any stage in the timeline of your product.

Q. Is it possible to promote books?

A. Absolutely!

Q. What kind of products can be promoted through you?

A. Any type of product can be promoted. If you have any doubts, you can always send an email and receive immediate confirmation.

Q. I'm interested in consulting about the promotion strategy for my product, is that something you can help with?

A. Certainly, we offer a free consultation service provided by FBA experts. Send us a detailed question, and we’ll be happy to give you up-to-date and effective tips.

Q. Who are your campaign managers, and what does your team consist of?

A. 100% of our team is composed of Amazon experts, the vast majority of whom have been or are still successful sellers on Amazon, some with over 8 years of experience in e-commerce. This ensures that the practices they apply to your product are the most current and advanced, with a strong emphasis on the safety of the process. We treat every product we promote as if it were our own.

Q. How effective are you in promoting Walmart products?

A. Just as effective as we are in promoting products on Amazon, which is to say – very! All the services we offer to Amazon sellers are also available to Walmart sellers.

Q. What payment methods do you accept?

A. Payments can be made via PayPal. If you prefer to pay with a credit card, PayPal’s checkout system allows this without any issue.

Q. I have more specific questions, who can I contact?

A. Excellent! Our customer service operates 24/7.
We would be happy to assist you at the email address or by sending a message on WhatsApp at +1(951) 380-7617. We respond to all messages and emails within 24 hours at the latest, every day of the week.

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